5 Things Your Endodontist Wants You to Know Before Your First Visit

March 8, 2021

Your endodontist understands your need for vital information that can help you during and after the process of your root canal therapy in 23111. However, before you schedule your first appointment, it’s best to find out some of the most important things your endodontist wants you to know.

What You Should Know

Not All Dentists Are Endodontists

To become a specialist in the treatment of the dental pulp, an endodontist has to complete three more years of additional training on top of dental school. Since their primary focus is to perform endodontic treatments that include root canals, you can expect to receive a more efficient procedure under their care.

A Root Canal Won’t be Recommended Unless It’s Needed

Your endodontist won’t recommend a root canal treatment unless you really need one. However, if a tooth infection causes issues in your mouth and weakens your immune system, you can’t expect it to go away on its own. Unless you get proper endodontic treatment, the bacteria will eventually erode your tooth.

Bring a List of Your Current Medications

Your endodontist will really appreciate it if you brought a list of your current meds or anything that you’ve taken in the past month, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements. This information will help them ensure you won’t experience any adverse reactions throughout the course of your treatment.

Avoid Taking Blood Thinners

To avoid excessive bleeding during the procedure, you have to make sure that you don’t take any medication that thins your blood before your appointment.

Let Us Know if You Feel Nervous

Do you struggle with dental anxiety? Does the sound of the drill make you feel uneasy? It’s okay to feel nervous and anxious about your upcoming procedure.

You can count on your endodontist to give you a range of sedation options to help keep you calm and relaxed while you’re receiving much-needed treatment. The goal is to ease your mind and give you a pleasant and comfortable experience.

Are You Considering Root Canal Therapy in 23111?

The team of specialists at Commonwealth Endodontics is willing to answer any of your questions or concerns during your first appointment. Feel free to give us a call and schedule your consultation today!

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