Traumatic Injuries

An accident, sports injury or facial trauma can happen when you least expect it and cause damage to your teeth.


The most common types of traumatic injuries include:

Dislodged Teeth: A tooth that is pushed sideways, out of or into its socket. The tooth can be repositioned and possibly stabilized with a splint. Root canal treatment is usually recommended for permanent teeth and should be started within a few weeks following the injury. Medication, such as calcium hydroxide, is placed inside the tooth as part of the root canal treatment. A permanent root canal filling will be placed at a later date.

Avulsed Teeth: If a tooth is completely knocked out of your mouth, time is of the essence. The tooth should be handled very gently and, if possible, put back into the socket. Avoid touching the root surface itself and gently rinse with water if it’s dirty. You can even put the tooth in milk or a glass of water (add a pinch of salt) if you need to store the tooth until you see your endodontist. The length of time the tooth was out of your mouth and the way the tooth was stored, may influence the type of treatment you receive.


An injured immature tooth in a child may need one of the following procedures to improve the chances of saving the tooth:

Apexogenesis: Vital tissue within the tooth is maintained to promote the development of the immature root. A portion of the inflamed pulp is removed and filled with a material that maintains vitality in the roots. If the pulp heals, no further treatment will be necessary.

Apexification: Procedure used to stimulate root development or closing of the root end. The goal of this treatment is to form a hard tissue barrier at the end of the root with an open apex. This allows the root canal to be sealed in a traditional manner. Apexification is often successful, however, there are some instances when the root end barrier does not form or the resorption process continues. Situations such as these may require surgical treatment of the root end or removal of the tooth.


We are dedicated to providing our patients with prompt and compassionate care for traumatic tooth injuries. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.