Did you know that laughing gas or nitrous oxide in 23233 is one of the most popular dental sedation methods? Its calming effects effectively reduce anxiety for patients undergoing dental procedures. If you’re wondering how this odorless and colorless gas affects the body, we’re here to give you the answers you want.
Nitrous Oxide and How it Impacts the Human Body
What Is Nitrous Oxide?
Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound consisting of two nitrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. While nitrous oxide is an odorless gas, some patients say it has a slightly metallic yet sweet taste. While this gas was synthesized in 1722, it wasn’t until 1844 that it became a popular sedative method among dental patients.
During the same year, an American dentist named Horace Wells demonstrated his patient’s insensitivity to pain as he extracted a tooth using nitrous oxide. Since then, this gas has become widely used as a medical anesthetic.
How Is It Administered to Patients?
Today, dental professionals administer nitrous oxide through a facemask. They’ll instruct the patient to inhale the gas through their nose and exhale through their mouth. As the patient breathes normally, they receive both nitrogen oxide and oxygen.
Although the combination of both gases depends on the desired strength of the sedation, it usually takes twenty seconds for its effects to reach the brain and around two to three minutes to inhibit pain receptors.
How Does It Work?
Research suggests nitrous oxide works through the human body’s regulated ligand-gated ion channels. These channels consist of transmembrane ion-channel proteins that allow sodium, potassium, calcium, and chlorine to pass through the membrane in response to ligand binding or chemical messenger. Simply put, these ligand channels impact how neurotransmitters send pain signals through the patient’s body.
Nitrous oxide produces an anti-anxiety effect by causing GABAA receptors to block neurotransmitters. Additionally, this gas inhibits pain signaling throughout the body and triggers the brain to release norepinephrine. Nitrous oxide also stimulates the brain’s pathways and releases dopamine, causing the patient to experience euphoria.
Learn More About Nitrous Oxide in 23233!
At Commonwealth Endodontics, we want you to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. For this reason, we’re committed to providing quality endodontic care in a safe and comfortable setting. Contact us today to make an appointment.