Fighting Hunger in Our Own Backyard!

March 30, 2020

To help children and families that face a food shortage at home, CWE is hosting a Holiday Food & Fund Drive to benefit FeedMore’s Central Virginia Food Bank. Donations will be collected through December 21st and delivered to FeedMore on December 22nd, just in time for the holidays! FeedMore’s most needed items include: canned fruits & vegetables, peanut butter, canned meats & fish, healthy snack items, spaghetti sauce, pasta, rice and cereals. No glass containers please.

Interested in making a donation when you come in for your root canal treatment? Donation boxes are conveniently located in the patient waiting rooms at both our West End & Southside Offices. Grab a few canned goods out of your pantry or some spare change to make a donation on your appointment day. A small amount goes a long way! $1 provides 5 meals to those in need!

Thank you for your support!

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