a dental assistant gives a thumbs up sign while a patient receives Nitrous Oxide sedation in Mechanicsville
January 19, 2022

Do you feel anxious and worried whenever you think about your upcoming oral surgery? If it’s your first time undergoing an invasive procedure, be glad to know that you can do a few things to relieve your anxiety and help you relax. Besides discussing the benefits of nitrous oxide in Mechanicsville with your dentist, we’ve rounded up these tips to make you more mentally prepared for your appointment.

Learn How to Prepare Yourself for Your First Oral Surgery Procedure!

Learn About Your Procedure

One of the best ways to put your mind at ease is to ask your dental care provider to explain the procedure. The more you understand the reasons for your surgery and what to expect during your appointment, the more prepared you can be. Also, remember to ask about the risks and benefits of what you’re having done.

Check Your Dental Insurance

Ask your dentist to provide you with a pretreatment estimate if you’re worried about the cost. Since some practices don’t accept insurance for payment, it’s best to find out in advance if your dentist does. They can get in touch with your insurance provider and help you determine the amount of coverage.

Follow Your Dentist’s Preoperative Instructions

Your dentist will give you a list of preoperative instructions before the day of your procedure. It outlines the food and beverage limitations for the immediate future.

They may also instruct you to stop certain medications before your appointment. If you don’t fully understand these instructions, be sure to ask your dentist to discuss them in detail.

Settle Important Matters in Advance

Since you’ll be required to take some rest after your oral surgery, you’ll want to settle important matters ahead of time. For instance, you’ll want to shop or order groceries for soft foods, stock up on ice in the freezer, and have someone drive you home after the procedure.

Ask Your Dentist About Nitrous Oxide in Mechanicsville!

At Commonwealth Endodontics, we’re ready to listen to your concerns and provide you with quality endodontic care. Get in touch with us today to schedule your consultation.