Types of Endodontic Treatment Options

November 20, 2020

Your teeth make it easy for you to chew your food, speak clearly, and flash your biggest smile. When something’s wrong with them, a visit to the dental office should be your first order of business. However, if your case requires a specialized procedure, they may refer you to an expert in Short Pump endodontics and microsurgery. If you want to know more about the different types of endodontic treatment options, read on.

Different Types of Endodontic Treatment Options

Root Canal Treatment

 When a tooth’s pulp is inflamed or infected, it must be removed via a root canal treatment. To save the natural tooth, it must be cleaned of all bacteria through the root canal to prevent reinfection. Once the infected pulp is removed, the inside of the affected tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before it is filled and sealed.

Endodontic Retreatment

If you’re experiencing issues with a tooth with endodontic treatment, another procedure may be required. This procedure involves removing the filling materials that were previously placed during the initial root canal procedure.

Once the infection is removed, the canals are cleaned, shaped, and placed with new filling materials. A temporary filling is used to seal the opening while the tooth is healing. Once the healing process is completed, a dental crown is placed over the tooth for protection and support.

Endodontic Surgery

When X-rays reveal small fractures or hidden canals, endodontic surgery may be required. This procedure is also performed to address calcium deposits in root canals and damage to the root surfaces or the tooth’s surrounding bone. The most common type of endodontic surgery is an apicoectomy, which treats persistent inflammation or infection in the bony root-end area.

The Experts in Short Pump Endodontics and Microsurgery

The specialists at Commonwealth Endodontics are committed to saving your teeth. Schedule an appointment with us to find out why our patients recommend us for endodontic treatment.

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