What Are the Types of Pulpitis?

December 5, 2022

Do you feel a tingling in your teeth or pain whenever you eat something hot or cold? Does the feeling linger even after you’re done eating? Although both sensations are different, an endodontist in 23226 will likely tell you they’re symptoms of pulpitis. Although the extent of the underlying problem determines whether this condition is reversible or irreversible, you’ll want to reduce the risk factors for advanced decay by receiving treatment. 

Facts About Pulpitis You Should Know

What Exactly Is Pulpitis?

Each tooth has a soft and spongy pulp inside it. Since the pulp is the tooth’s innermost layer, it houses the connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Pulpitis results from bacteria penetrating the pulp and causing inflammation and infection. As the swelling occurs, it causes pain and puts pressure on the sensitive nerves.

What Are the Types of Pulpitis?

Endodontists classify pulpitis based on the infection’s extent. Consequently, this condition comes in two forms: reversible and irreversible.

Reversible Pulpitis

Reversible pulpitis refers to the infection’s early stage. Since the swelling is mild enough, endodontists can save the tooth with less invasive solutions.

In most cases, dental professionals manage pain symptoms by using over-the-counter medications. In addition, they may use a special numbing tooth gel that can penetrate the tooth and relieve the affected nerve. However, if a cavity triggers pulpitis, the endodontist will use a simple filling procedure to eliminate the decay.

Irreversible Pulpitis

Irreversible pulpitis occurs when the inflammation is more advanced, and the pulp suffers too much damage. In this stage, the pain from the infection stops as the tooth dies. However, the tooth’s dead tissue remains infected, causing an abscess to develop. Without prompt endodontic treatment, bacteria can spread to other existing teeth, jawbone, or the brain.

Furthermore, endodontists use a more extensive treatment, such as root canal therapy, to treat irreversible pulpitis. During the procedure, they’ll remove the infected pulp, sterilize the hollow tooth, and fill it with an inert material before sealing it. However, if the damage to the infected tooth is too extensive, they may need to extract it to prevent the infection from spreading to other teeth.

Looking for an Endodontist in 23226?

At Commonwealth Endodontics, we provide quality endodontic care to help our patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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