What Exactly Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

September 2, 2020

Do you think you need a root canal 23226 treatment? Your dentist has probably told you that this procedure needs to be done to repair and save a badly infected or decayed tooth. 

Steps Involved in a Root Canal Procedure

Anesthesia is Administered

Soon after the dentist assesses the shape of the root canals and spots signs of infection in the bone surrounding the tooth, a local anesthetic is applied near the area of the tooth to numb it. 

The Rubber Dam is Placed

Before the dentist starts, they have to ensure that the area in question remains dry and free from saliva throughout the procedure. For this reason, they place a sheet of rubber called a rubber dam around the tooth. 

The Pulp, Decayed Tissue and Bacteria are Removed

Once the rubber dam is in place, the dentist drills access into the affected tooth to remove the pulp, decayed tissue, and the bacteria.

The Insides of the Tooth and Root Canals are Cleaned Out

Once the tooth’s insides are cleared out, the dentist uses a series of root canal files to scrape and scrub the area out before flushing away any debris with water or sodium hypochlorite. 

The Tooth is Sealed

If the tooth is infected, the dentist puts some medication inside it and waits for a week before sealing the tooth up. If there’s no infection, the dentist seals the tooth on the same day it’s cleaned. A temporary filling can also be placed in the tooth’s exterior hole to keep it from being contaminated by food, as well as saliva. The interior of the tooth will be filled by a rubber compound and a sealer paste called gutta-percha.

The Placement of a Crown

A crown or a post will be placed over the tooth to restore and protect the weakened tooth. 

Learn More About Root Canal 23226

You can learn more about root canal therapy if you schedule an appointment with Commonwealth Endodontics. Call us now!

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