What is Dental Sedation?

February 15, 2021

Dental procedures can be difficult for some patients. Whether it’s the fear of pain or anxiety about the process, any dental procedure can seem overwhelming. We want your experience at your favorite sedation dentist in Mechanicsville to be as comfortable and relaxing as possible. That is why we offer a variety of sedation options before we begin your work.

Dental Sedation Explained

A Form of Anesthesia

At Commonwealth, we use IV conscious sedation. Conscious sedation is a technique that helps patients feel relaxed, calm, and at ease during dental procedures.

Specifically, conscious sedation utilizes medication to help relax the patient’s body, but they are still awake throughout the procedure. Generally speaking, it is typically recommended for patients with a low tolerance to pain or who experience anxiety with needles.

A Cure for Dental Anxiety

Many patients suffer from dental anxiety. It is an overwhelming feeling of fear that can make the simple act of going to a dentist seem like an inconvenience. In fact, it often results in patients postponing their appointment for months (or years) and hiding their condition from friends and family members. If you have experienced even slight discomfort at your last visit to see a dentist, then sedation dentistry may be perfect for you!

Are You Looking for a Sedation Dentist in Mechanicsville?

When you need treatment for a dental condition, the last thing you want to do is deal with anxiety and pain.

Our sedation dentistry team at Commonwealth Endodontics can help make your next appointment as stress-free and relaxing as possible. To learn more, visit our contact page and give us a call! We are excited to get to know you and talk you through our path to sedation dentistry.

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